WHAT HappyBunny is
HappyBunny is an online services platform, putting in touch users with live needs and the professionals who can help them best. HappyBunny differs from regular two-sided platforms in 3 main ways;
Breadth. HappyBunny focuses on the user’s challenges at a given point in time, not on the same solution all the time. BetterHelp can help anyone as, long as it’s therapeutic support. Indeed can help anyone, as long it’s finding a job, etc. “When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail”. HappyBunny by contrast explicitely aims to put users in touch with the right professional support at the right time. Nurtritionists, financial advisers, life coaches, personal trainers, stylists, careers advisers, etc. All the professionals who can help. And many different ones over time
Length. Duration is a thorny issue in the relationship between a client and any professional paid by the hour … How do you make sure the relationship lasts long enough to have a transformational impact, without dragging it too long solely for one’s own monetary benefit? HappyBunny removes that conundrum. With several thousand users on our books, each professional can work on a “next person up” basis, i.e. closing the relationship when it’s best for user A, and immediately recycling that HappyBunny slot in the diary to open a relationship with user B
Depth. By the time HappyBunny has helped a user solve a few challenges, 3 things emerge. First, the user is a lot happier with their life. Second, the user trusts HappyBunny to help them across a wide range of challenges over the coming years. Third, HappyBunny has built a deep understanding of that user. Their quirks & preferences, their personality, possibly other challenges likely awaiting them in the future. This depth of understanding & bond will improve the likelihood of success of any future assistance HappyBunny provides to the user - and that is the best flywheel in the world!
WHO HappyBunny works with
HappyBunny aims to work with independent professionnials across a wide variety of specialties.
Right now, the 4 main groups of professionals that our users are interested in are: Executive Coaches, Behavorial Therapists, Careers Advisers, and Entrepreuneurial Mentors. If you’re one of them, please join HappyBunny ASAP!
We also collect future needs from our users on an ongoing basis. Some of the needs we already see appear will involve professionals in 10 differrent fields: Fashion Stylists, Financial Advisers, Personal Trainers, Financial Therapists, Hobby Coaches, Couples Therapists, Nutritionists, Animal Trainers, Event Planners, and Startup Fundraisers. If you’re one of them, we’ll have work & clients for you very soon! Why don’t you join now, and be ahead of the curve for the first requests?
Our ears & eyes are also wide open for any other specialty! Whatever works to help users overcome a challenge. If you have a specialty not mentioned above that you think would help HappyBunny users … then we’d love to hear from you! FYI, the 4 main groups of users we work with right now are: 25 something graduates, 30 somethings couples, 40 something entrepreneurs, and 50 somethings executives. You’ll find more details on this in the For Users page.
HOW MUCH HappyBunny pays
HappyBunny pays you your regular rate. Simple & easy.
After sharing a challenge with us, users are typically presented with a selection of relevant HappyBunny professionals who can help. We alert you when we’ve added you to a short-list. You then let us know if you’re the professional the user has selected.
HappyBunny consolidates all invoicing to the user on a monthly basis (as they might also be seeing professionals in other fields) and adds your total to the user’s monthly invoice. We guarantee payment to you - and carry the risk of non-payment from the user.
As a rule of thumb, HappyBunny would like to represent between 15% and 30% of your business. Big enough that you like working with us & prioritize our users - and not so much that we crowd out your personal franchise.
HOW to join HappyBunny
Upon clicking the “Join HappyBunny” button below, you’ll be presented with a request to share 4 things with us: contact details, professional website, standard rate, and a few areas of professional expertise in which you are awesome (aka your specialties). That’s it. Simple & easy.
We’ll then be in touch in more details when we have the first client request in your area of expertise. No need to bother you before our relationship can start & grow. Feel free to contact us first if you have other questions - otherwise hit “Join HappyBunny” and see you on the other side! 😀