5 Key Answers for HappyBunny Users

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  • why does HappyBunny exist?

  • what can HappyBunny do for me?

  • who is HappyBunny best for?

  • how does HappyBunny work?

  • how much does it cost?

WHY HappyBunny exists

The older you get, the more you realize that life is just a series of challenges. Some are fun, some less so. Some are easy for you, others less so. And all challenges are easier to overcome with someone in your corner. Sometimes a friend helps, sometimes a parent helps, and sometimes you need a professional.

Finding the right professional can be hard. And not finding the right professional slows you down. The vision of HappyBunny is to support anyone through all of life’s challenges. Our mission is to offer you the best professional advice on anything, right when you need it, and the friendly support to help you put that advice in practice for long-term change.

Happy Bunny’s founder, Fred Pelard, has been helping people transform their lives for 25+ years. As a strategy trainer, a life coach, and a head-hunter. Over hundreds of conversations with people of all ages he’s noticed that most personal challenges require mutiple sources of insights & help to overcome successfully.

For example, lack of self-confidence might be coming from both (old) internalised negative family dynamics and (current) lesser performance in leisure sports team. A therapist alone can only do so much. A personal trainer alone can only do so much. Bring them together and the problem is much easier to crack.

Imagine adding a nutritionist, a financial adviser, a dating coach, etc. You’d have a whole fan club in your corner! Rooting for you to quickly find whatever path of least resistance helps shift the obstacle and solve this problem. And the same apply to most problems. HappyBunny brings you the right blend of multiple specialists on any issue you face - professional, personal, or practical.

WHAT HappyBunny can do for me

HappyBunny takes the load off your most pressing life challenges. We start by asking you what 3 things bother you most right now. We then suggest multiple ways to overcome these challenges & make you a happier bunny. These suggestions typically include a mixture of online resources (free), books ($10+ / book), live remote sessions with our coaches ($100+ / hour), and more hands-on programs and contracts with our super experienced experts ($1,000+ to $10,000+ per challenge). You choose.

You will quickly see progress towards resolution on your first challenge. Some people then take a breather, others dive straight into a second challenge. Either way, we’ll be there. HappyBunny offers you continuity of care through all of life’s challenges. Whenever you’ve got another challenge, we can assemble the specific team you need to overcome it. It will likely involve different specialist advisers, but always the same contact person - your “bunny buddy, whom you get to choose.

As HappyBunny gets to know you better - and vice versa - we can make sure every interaction becomes more & more bespoke to your preferences. In terms of the personality types you prefer interacting with, the frequency of encounters, the best chanels (text, voice, video), etc.

WHO HappyBunny helps best

HappyBunny aims to work for anyone. Right now, the 4 main groups of people we’re helping - and their typical challenges - are as follows:

  • 25 something graduates, dealing with their first job. Whether already employed, or looking for a job. The transition from university to the workplace is commonly a very challenging one. Especially when remote work removes the easy company of peers and frequent on the job training. Or when work is currently just a long list of temporary gigs. HappyBunny creates action plans here, with you, on how to succeed at your first job, how to land a job offer in the first place, how to secure a flat without regular income, and how to feel sane throughout

  • 30 somethings couples, dealing with so many of life’s stressful milestones: moving in together, getting married, buying a house, raising young children, etc. Merging lives whilst retaining an independent sense of self is top of the list for many at this stage. Not to mention handling the additional & not always intentional pressures coming from older relatives, over-competitive friends, etc. HappyBunny puts together action plans with you on how to build the home life you always dreamed of, how to manage two careers without resentment, and how best to raise a happy third-culture kid

  • 40 something entrepreneurs, dealing with growth under constraint. Whether in tech or in more analog settings, being responsible for the livelihood of a posse of people you’ve convinced to join you is its own form of torture sometimes. Even if you willingly & happily embarked upon that journey in the first place! HappyBunny helps you rediscover the joy, and practically crafts actions plan with you on how to deal with difficult employees, how to double revenues, and how to regain your work-life balance

  • 50 somethings executives, dealing with the later stages of their career. Work pressures are insane if you’re still near the top of the corporate ladder in your 50s. And marriages might also be getting tense once the family nest is properly empty. HappyBunny helps design & implement with you action plans on how to land that last big job, how to ensure a happy mariage into retirement, and how to squeeze more from life right now

HOW HappyBunny works

HappyBunny works along 2 key principles: Challenge By Challenge, and With You For Life.

Challenge by Challenge. We’re taking each challenge you share with us as a project, to be concluded as soon as possible. You’d be amazed how quickly you can resolve thorny issues when you approach them that way. Even issues that might have been bothering you for a long time. Assemble the right project team of HappyBunny professionals, discover key steps to resolution, agree plan of action, and go! 💥 Everyone involved has a clear incentive to sort things out for you as quickly - and as cheaply - as possible. HappyBunny’s key incentive is to demonstrate to you quickly how good we are at helping you tackle life’s challenges. The better you feel about our help on one challenge, the more likely you’ll ask us to help on a second challenge, etc.

With You For Life. Each challenge in life can be overcome better with the help of specialists. Sometimes a coach, sometimes a therapist, sometimes a financial adviser, sometimes a nutritionist, etc. These pros don’t need to stay in your life forever either. Some might be “one and done”, some might re-appear a few years later. Thanks to the “bunny buddy” approach, HappyBunny is with you for life though. Every new challenge that life throws at you is easier to tackle when you can just reach out to someone who knows you well - and has already helped you overcome a few challenges in the last few years.

HOW MUCH is HappyBunny

HappyBunny works on a challenge by challenge basis. You only pay what you feel a given challenge is worth to you. Practically, every time you share with us one of the challenges you face, we’ll offer you 5 ways to overcome it:

  • AI (free). The kind of results you’d get from interacting with an LLM (ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, etc). It’s free, it’s smart, it’s interactive, and we’ll tee up a few conversations for you to continue exploring directly yourself,

  • Books ($10+). Nothing beats spending a few hours with one or more books in hand, thinking through all the practicalities of solving your current challenge. We’ll share with you the best books on your issue, for you to purchase as you see fit,

  • Coaches ($100+ / hour). Once you have the desire to overcome your challenge, pro coaches can help you with direction, motivation, and stamina. We’ll recommend the best ones for your issues, for you to choose from,

  • Programs ($1,000+ / session). Most challenges are not unique to you. There are many programs that help other people with the same challenge right now. So you can even gain advice & long term help from a peer group. We’ll share the best programs for your challenge, for you to enlist in whenever you’re ready,

  • Contracts ($10,000+ / challenge). Sometimes a challenge must be overcome. You’ve tried all the cheaper options & they haven’t worked ... HappyBunny will then assemble an entirely bespoke solution for you, with a clear deadline & action plan, and a commitment to success.

We’re always delighted if the free online resources solve your issue! Genuinely. Because it’s good for you. We also know that life invents new challenges every year. The more useful we are to you right now, the more likely you’ll come back.

One day, at work or at play, you’ll come across a challenge that you can’t easily solve on your own - and we’ll still be there. Our help might be a bit more expensive then. But you’ll know it will be necessary & all worth it. Why don’t you tell HappyBunny what 3 things bother you most right now?